by contentment, supreme joy is gained

contentment means just to be as we are without going to outside things for our happiness

Monday, August 1, 2011

today's endorphine rush

so today i attended my first formal anusara yoga class at the wellness center.

the flow was great, i really enjoyed the variations of poses the instructor pushed us through. i truly enjoyed the beginning chants and oms, and i hope to learn then very soon!

so the big accomplishment was actually coming into a confident bakasana [crow] and then managing to bring myself up into salamba sirsasana II. it was actually much easier than i had anticipated -even given that i was quite tired by that point in the practice.

what i find is that i have trouble settling my palms, lower and upper arms into the right position to lock properly with my knees. the next trouble I seem to find is bringing myself up, not into stand or forward bend, but that strangely similar half stand pose.

in any case i was finally able to do a solid bakasana with both feet and chin lifted as i looked forward.

i managed to wrangle my head down to touch along the ground -minus additional padding like a blanket or even the towel,

here's where the amazing clicked. i somehow managed to find the strength in my pelvis to lift and pull my hips all the way up to semi stack above my shoulders. more than that, my legs just flew up into salamba sirsasana II. i stayed there for a breath or two, then had to come out

and i actually managed to gauge my descent so that i brought my legs down bended, followed by pelvis so that my legs landed alongside my upper arms -back to bakasana.

and finally from bakasana i managed to jump back to chaturanga dandasana.

so that was the big accomplishment for the day!

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